The Adventures of F.L. Mingo

Frustrated being penned up in Mark Dean's back yard, I fled Missoula to travel the country and absorb some new atmospheres!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Chimney Rock

Today I encountered the sort of thing that would get any geologist excited (and it looks excited to see them too)- Chimney Rock. I stared in awe at the beautiful sunset, silhouetting the magnificent formation before hiking in for a closer look. Unfortunately, by the time I arrived at the base, the sun was gone and so was the light needed to snap some photos of me. I was able to get an excellent shot of me at the nearby cemetary with the rising moon in the background however so all was not lost! I'm still bummed out about not being able to share some better photos of me at this landmark with you all, so I made some pictures for you of what my trip was like today, but it didn't end as well as my real journey as you can see...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Good Life!

I arrived in Nebraska yesterday, but not before making a brief stop to learn about some Wyoming history. Much like the state itself, this historical stop was a waste of time. Not too far from here however I crossed into the fantastic land known as Nebraska, and as you can see, its all about the good life here. The scenery was spectacular right from the start. Basically it looked exactly like Wyoming, but was really a million times better just because it wasn't Wyoming. As my journey continued today, I encountered the most surreal thing I've ever witnessed so far. Stonehenge... but made of cars. I dubbed it Carhenge, but I think it may have already had this name. I only wish I could have seen it during the day, but the with the help of some high beems and a big bright full moon I think it looked even more intriguing. I marvelled at the massive size of this monument (check out how tiny I look standing by these... I almost look like a lawn ornament in comparison!) before heading off to continue my adventure!