The Adventures of F.L. Mingo

Frustrated being penned up in Mark Dean's back yard, I fled Missoula to travel the country and absorb some new atmospheres!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Extreme Makeover!

Wow... it's been a rough two weeks travelling. I've gone a long way on these little wire legs. I really was meant more for standing still than walking so much, but I'm just so excited to get home. I passed a billboard for a beauty salon, and realized just how filthy I've become during my travels and years of soaking up the bleaching sun in Mark's backyard. What I needed was a makeover, big time! Mark's going to be so thrilled!

I found a little shop that looked like an old garage, but they gave me quite the treatment!

I was a little short for their feather dryers, but they were able to solve the problem. I met some very interesting ladies while I was here, although I think I scared one of them away. She just looked at me and began trembling, then took off crying. She was stuttering something about Shelly and pink or something like that... I dunno... I could barely hear over the feather dryer and all the cheesy 80's music. The poofy haired lady helping me ran off to chase her down and left me in the hands of her assistant. She did a real good job other than spraying me with cold water- though I think she was clinically insane. Poofy-haired lady came back to finish me up, but another old lady followed her back complaining that the one who ran out just punched her really hard. I wanted to know more about this drama but figured I should just keep my beak shut. If the cranky one found out it was me that scared the other lady that hit her, she'd probably get reeeal mad at me. I pretended to not pay attention and ate some of the desert the cranky lady's friend brought for everybody. It was the most unpleasantly sweet desert ever... my beak felt like it was going to rot away after one bite! She offered me some *ice cream* to cut the sweetness... I think she's crazy too... or just a dentist looking for more business.

I was so enamored with the hijinx unfolding before my eyes that I didn't realize how fast the time flew by. By the end of the day it was like I was a totally different flamingo! So vibrantly pink and sexy... I look so good now I don't even need makeup to cover the wrinkles on my neck! I can't wait to show Mark!